Three Mistakes to Avoid When Flying Your Drone for the First Time
May 16, 2022 11:27:26 AM 3 min read

As a first-time flyer, there is nothing more exciting than unboxing your brand new drone, regardless of what model it might be. We know how it feels to want to immediately start flying your drone, but there are a few critical mistakes we see first-time flyers make. Our experts put together a quick list of mistakes (and their consequences) to avoid when flying your first drone.
Mistake #1: Not Registering Drones over .55lbs (250 g) with the FAA
Many first-time flyers forget or don’t know how to register their drone, even though it’s one of the most important steps in drone ownership.
Everyone must register their drones with the FAA, including recreational users if their drone weighs over .55lbs. Depending on the type of drone you have or the use of the drone, you may or may not need a Part 107 license.
Once you have registered your drone, the FAA will provide a registration certificate which you must keep on your person while operating the drone in public areas. You can either keep the actual physical copy or a digital copy, and you must show it to any law enforcement official who asks to see your registration.
Keep in mind that you may face certain penalties if you do not register your drone—you can face criminal charges or hefty fines.
For additional information on the registration process, you can visit the official FAA site here.
Mistake #2: Not Taking a Basic Course on How to Fly Your Drone
Flying drones are fun, but just like learning how to drive, it’s best practice to take a course to teach you how to safely maneuver your drone. You should also consider the different types of remotes/controllers that are available for your drone model, as each will provide a different flying experience.
By taking a course on how to fly, you will learn how to assess your environment and prepare for different types of flying conditions, including changes in weather. You will learn what precautionary measures you can take when flying your drone to prevent accidents, damage, or property loss.
Drones are expensive equipment, and depending on the model or manufacturer, can be costly to repair, which is why we recommend users to invest in a course if they have little to no experience flying.
Mistake #3: Not Obeying FAA Regulations on How and Where to Fly the Drone
The FAA is the leading authority on drone activity. They have a duty to protect our airspace, keep us safe, and maintain citizens’ privacy. FAA regulations restrict certain airspace for drone use—this includes airports, government areas, and certain public spaces. Additionally, cities, venues, and other private properties may restrict drone use within that area, or during specific timeframes.
These regulations apply to recreational flyers, government entities, and public officials; depending on your status or use case, different waivers or restrictions may apply to you. It’s important to know what rules apply to you, and it’s even more important to understand where you’re allowed to fly.
Being respectful of others is the first step to having an enjoyable flight experience, and it will spare you the trouble of dealing with any consequences that stem from breaking FAA rules.
Remember, our goal is to ensure our customers and fellow drone nerds have a safe flying experience. By following these recommendations, you will avoid unnecessary headaches and problems.
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